Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Wedding Bells Will Ring

Two members of the orchestra have announced their up-coming wedding in September, 2015.  They are Yi-Chen Huang, violin and Petr Husak, cello.

The two met as fellow orchestra players and their romance bloomed.  Both are wonderful musical leaders and fun people!  We wish them every happiness!

Thursday Night Out, June 4, 2015

Barely taking a breath at the end of the season, orchestra members began preparing for yet another concert on June 4:  Thursday Night Out in downtown Oak Park. 

Under the direction of Maurice Boyer, our assistant conductor, the orchestra played the popular Symphony No. 40 by Mozart.  A sizable crowd gathered in the street to hear us.  For many, it was their first time to hear our orchestra.  The orchestra was gratified by the rapt attention of the audience and their generous applause.  We gained a number of new fans and a number of new subscribers!

Thanks to all who participated!

Dvorak, Then Dinner!

Following our final concert of the 2014/2015 season on May 3, audience, board members and players gathered at Klas Restaurant in Cicero.  Having played an all-Dvorak concert, it was fitting and celebratory to meet at Klas' and dine on Czech-style food!  A good time was had by all!